【2019新富町文化市場徵件獲選展覽】微型採礦:溪畔的克里奧人Micro Mining : Creole along the riverside
2019-05-30 10:00   至   2019-07-14 18:00


微型採礦:溪畔的克里奧人 Micro Mining: Creole* along the Riverside






*註1. 克里奧人(Creole)一詞,原指帝國航海年代歐洲人在南美殖民地的移民後裔,在此被解釋為一種脫離母體文化、因為移居現實而逐漸適應、改變母體身份認同狀態之人。

"Micro Mining" is an art project by Chinyun Kuo; inspired by her experience of relocating to Germany in 2016. Craving to
reconnect with the land and objects from home, Kuo excavates the earth and shapes the earth into objects - all with nothing
more than the artist's bodily strength. Kuo then draws the languages of the consumer society and her native cultures to
illustrate the various stages of making the objects - from the acquisition of the materials, the production purchase of the
objects, to the use of such objects after purchase.

By participating in the process of extracting resources, producing the objects, and using the objects, the artist switches her
gaze between the colonization of Capitalism and the colonized (as the resident of the land from which the resources were
extracted, producer of the objects, and the consumer). Kuo aims to discuss human migration and resource exploitation from
foreign lands and industrial mass production under globalization.

Starting from the end of 2018, Kuo turns back to Taiwan through Micro Mining. As her body became unfamiliar with her
homeland after the relocation, she traveled from the plains to the mountains along the water systems across the island. In her
journey, as she mined, she observed how the rivers and the earth were converted into resources that merely serve industrial
development; she saw the dependence on electricity and power generators changed irrigation and the landscape; and she
witnessed agriculture, once deeply rooted in the land, becoming marginalized in resource allocation.

What is the foundation of our knowledge of the land that we reside? The collective consciousness produced by the media,
history and the education system is not unlike mythology as both were born from hearsay and word of mouth. And yet,
information technology has facilitated - and accelerated - the illusion of omniscience that blocks people from understanding
our land.

Micro Mining: Creole* along the Riverside started from a river estuary in Mailiao, Yunlin County, heading upstream to Jiji
Weir, where the plain ends and the mountains begin, before arriving at the source of Zhuoshui River located between the
East Peak of Hehuan Mountain and the North Peak of Qilai Mountain. The artist transports her body across the river bed,
rivers and streams, and the establishments along the rivers, being immersed in the stories told by those who live - or once
lived, along the riverside of the land. Also, these stories, as they all link to the earth beneath, exemplify the complexity
interwoven between the farming villages and cities, the local communities, and the world. This project highlights the
multiple faces of the objects and people of the land, influenced by the intricate forces of economy, politics, history, and

* Creole originally refers to the descendant of settlers from imperial Europe to the colonies in South America. The term
Creole, in this context, refers to a person that had broken away from the native culture due to relocation and thus has
gradually adapted to the new reality, and that the person's identity has changed accordingly.




Chinyun Kuo, whose work focuses on material media, space, and the interaction between people and the space in which they occupy. Since she graduated from the Department of Architecture at Shih Chien University in 2012, Kuo has been involved in art, spatial and theatre designs. Her in-situ works of the urban landscape often occur within the field of daily life, challenging the rationale of the collective consciousness. After relocating to Berlin in 2016, Kuo became aware of the unique position of Taiwan in international relations, the influence of colonialism, and the conflict among multiple ethnic groups and cultural identities in Taiwan. Kuo has since focused on colonialism, human migration, and globalization in her artistic work, seeking the connection between historical context and the individuals. Her works are often presented as installations, performance
art, and in-situ projects. Kuo is currently studying at the MA program in Spatial Strategies at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee.


策展人、藝術家| 郭敬耘
器材贊助|Archicake Design

Artist |Cetus Kuo Chin-Yun
Video Photography|Tang Chien-Che
Sound Design|Hsu Jamie
Technical Coordinator|Huang Chang-Chih
Exhibition Design |Hsieh Meng-Han
Translation |Victoria Chang
Co-organizer |Jut Foundation for Arts and Architecture
Sponsor|National Culture and Arts Foundation
Equipment Sponsor|Archicake Design
Special thanks to |
Chung Ping-Hung Chang Chih-Heng
Yeh Chun-Ching Chang Ya-Chiao
Wu Szu-Wei Wang Yu-Ping
Chiu Tai-Ran Hsu Feng-Yu
Lai Chien-Yu Lee Cheng-Hsun


5/30-7/14 10:00-18:00



地點|新富町文化市場 巷仔內教室

◢閉幕表演─濁水溪 溪水茶席◣ 
時間|7/6(六) (延期至7/13舉行,戶外表演如遇天候因素將改為藝術家導覽,依園區公告)